
Read newline-delimited json files from a local filesystem or supported object stores.

The files may be compressed, for example: .ndjson.gz.

URLs provided to ndjson_scan may also include glob characters to allow scanning multiple files when reading from S3, GCS, or a local filesystem. Globbed paths are not allowed when querying json files over HTTP/HTTPS.


-- Single url or path.
-- Multiple urls or paths.
-- Using a cloud credentials object.
ndjson_scan(<url>, <credential_object>)
-- Required named argument for S3 buckets.
ndjson_scan(<url>, <credentials_object>, region => '<aws_region>')
-- Pass S3 credentials using named arguments.
ndjson_scan(<url>, access_key_id => '<aws_access_key_id>', secret_access_key => '<aws_secret_access_key>', region => '<aws_region>')
-- Pass GCS credentials using named arguments.
ndjson_scan(<url>, service_account_key => '<gcp_service_account_key>')

Parameter descriptions and which object store it’s relevant to.

Parameter Object store Description
url All The URL or path to a json file to scan.
credential_object S3 and GCS A database object storing credentials for accessing the object or objects.
aws_region S3 If scanning an object in S3, the region of the bucket.
aws_access_key_id S3 ID of AWS access key with permissions to read from the bucket.
aws_secret_access_key S3 Secret associated with the AWS access key.
gcp_service_account_key GCS A JSON-encoded GCP service account key with access to the bucket.


Local files

Local files can be read by passing the path or a globbed path to ndjson_scan. Paths may be absolute or relative.

-- Read a relative path.
SELECT * FROM ndjson_scan('./my_data.json');
-- Read all json files in a directory.
SELECT * FROM ndjson_scan('./directory_of_data/*.json');
-- Read json files from multiple directories.
SELECT * FROM ndjson_scan('./**/*.json');
-- Read multiple explicitly provided files.
SELECT * FROM ndjson_scan(['./directory_of_data/1.json', './directory_of_data/2.json']);

Objects in GCS

Objects in GCS can be read by providing the path to the object and credentials for the object to ndjson_scan. The service account key provided should be JSON encoded.

-- Single object.
SELECT * FROM ndjson_scan('gs://my-bucket/path/object.json',
                           service_account_key => '<service_account_key>');
-- Scan objects matching a glob.
SELECT * FROM ndjson_scan('gs://my-bucket/path/prefix_*.json',
                           service_account_key => '<service_account_key>');
-- Read all objects in a directory.
SELECT * FROM ndjson_scan('gs://my-bucket/path/*',
                           service_account_key => '<service_account_key>');

Optionally, a credentials object can be created and used in place of providing the service account key directly.

-- Create the credentials.
    ( service_account_key '<service_account_key>' );
-- And use them in the scan.
SELECT * FROM ndjson_scan('gs://my-bucket/path/object.json', my_gcp_creds);

Objects in S3

Objects in GCS can be read by providing the path to the object and credentials for the object, and the bucket region to ndjson_scan.

SELECT * FROM ndjson_scan('gs://my-bucket/path/object.json',
                          access_key_id = '<access_key_id>',
                          secret_access_key = '<secret_access_key>',
                          region = 'us-east-1');
-- Scan objects matching a glob.
SELECT * FROM ndjson_scan('gs://my-bucket/path/prefix_*.json',
                          access_key_id = '<access_key_id>',
                          secret_access_key = '<secret_access_key>',
                          region = 'us-east-1');
-- Read all objects in a directory.
SELECT * FROM ndjson_scan('gs://my-bucket/path/prefix_*.json',
                          access_key_id = '<access_key_id>',
                          secret_access_key = '<secret_access_key>',
                          region = 'us-east-1');

Optionally, a credentials object can be created and used in place of providing the service account key directly.

-- Create the credentials.
        access_key_id = '<access_key_id>',
        secret_access_key = '<secret_access_key>',
-- And use them in the scan. Note that a region still needs to be provided.
SELECT * FROM ndjson_scan('gs://my-bucket/path/object.json', my_aws_creds, region => 'us-east-1');

HTTP files

Json files can also be scanned over HTTP/HTTPS.

-- Read a single file.
SELECT * FROM ndjson_scan('https://my_domain.com/file.json');
-- Read multiple files
SELECT * FROM ndjson_scan(['https://my_domain.com/1.json', 'https://my_domain.com/2.json']);

Globbed paths are not supported when reading json files over HTTP/HTTPS


In the following example we use COPY TO to create a json file and finally read it with ndjson_scan.

-- Output the file to 'example.json'
COPY (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1, 10)) TO 'example.json';

-- And scan it back in.
SELECT * FROM ndjson_scan('./example.json');

-- Output:
-- ┌─────────────────┐
-- │ generate_series │
-- │ ──              │
-- │ Int64           │
-- ╞═════════════════╡
-- │ 1               │
-- │ 2               │
-- │ 3               │
-- │ 4               │
-- │ 5               │
-- │ 6               │
-- │ 7               │
-- │ 8               │
-- │ 9               │
-- │ 10              │
-- └─────────────────┘