
BigQuery is able to be used as an external data source. Either an entire database or a single table may be added as a data source.

Connect a BigQuery database

An entire BigQuery database can be added using the CREATE EXTERNAL DATABASE command.

database-name will be the name of the database inside GlareDB. This cannot be qualified, and must be unique across all other databases in the deployment.

 FROM bigquery
  service_account_key = <gcp-service-account>,
  project_id = <gcp-project>,

Database options

Field Description
gcp-service-account The JSON encoded service account key.
gcp-project The GCP project containing the dataset/table of interest.

Connect a single table

Adding an external table can be done through the CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE command.

 FROM bigquery
  service_account_key = <gcp-service-account>,
  project_id = <gcp-project>,
  dataset_id = <dataset-id>,
  table_id = <table-id>

table-name will be the name of the table inside GlareDB. table-name may optionally be qualified with a schema name.

Table options

Field Description
gcp-service-account The JSON encoded service account key.
gcp-project The GCP project containing the dataset/table of interest.
dataset-id The ID of the dataset containing the table of interest.
table-id The ID of the table to add to GlareDB.

Known issues

  • Querying views defined in BigQuery is currently unsupported.