Copy rows from a table or query to local files or supported object stores.
Table of contents
-- Copy the output of a query, or table, to a local path
COPY [(<query>) | <table>] TO '<location>' [FORMAT format];
-- Alternative syntax for local copying
COPY [(<query>) | <table>] TO LOCAL [FORMAT format] OPTIONS (
location = '<location>'
-- Copy the output of a query or table to GCS
COPY [(<query>) | <table>] TO gcs [FORMAT format] OPTIONS (
bucket = '<bucket>',
location = '<location>',
service_account_key = '<gcp_service_account_key>'
-- Alternative syntax for copying to GCS with OPTIONS
COPY [(<query>) | <table>] TO '<gcs_url>' [FORMAT format] OPTIONS (
service_account_key = '<gcp_service_account_key>'
-- Alternative syntax for copying to GCS with a CREDENTIALS database object
COPY [(<query>) | <table>] TO '<gcs_url>' [FORMAT format]
CREDENTIALS gcp_credentials;
-- Copy the output of a query or table to S3 with OPTIONS
COPY [(<query>) | <table>] TO s3 [FORMAT format] OPTIONS (
access_key_id = '<aws_access_key_id>',
bucket = '<bucket>',
location = '<location>',
region = '<aws_region>',
secret_access_key = '<aws_secret_access_key>'
-- Alternative syntax for copying S3 with OPTIONS
COPY [(<query>) | <table>] TO '<s3_url>' [FORMAT format] OPTIONS (
access_key_id = '<aws_access_key_id>',
region = '<aws_region>',
secret_access_key = '<aws_secret_access_key>'
-- Alternative syntax for copying to S3 with a CREDENTIALS database object
COPY [(<query>) | <table>] TO '<s3_url>' [FORMAT format]
CREDENTIALS s3_credentials ( region '<aws_region>' );
Field | Destination | Description |
aws_region | S3 | The region of the bucket. |
aws_access_key_id | S3 | ID of AWS access key with permissions to write the bucket. |
aws_secret_access_key | S3 | Secret associated with the AWS access key. |
bucket | GCS or S3 | Name of the bucket. |
format | All | Output format. One of csv (default), json, bson, or parquet. |
gcp_credentials | GCS | A database object containing GCP credentials. |
gcp_service_account_key | GCS | A JSON-encoded GCP service account key with access to the bucket. |
gcs_url | GCS | A url in the format gs://bucket/location |
location | All | A path to copy to. |
query | All | The query to execute, of which the results will be copied. |
s3_credentials | S3 | A database object containing S3 credentials. |
s3_url | S3 | A url in the format s3://bucket/location |
table | All | A fully-qualified table name. |
Local files
A query or table may be copied to a local file.
-- copy the result of 'select 1' to result.parquet in the current directory
COPY (select 1) TO 'result.parquet' FORMAT parquet;
-- Same as above with OPTIONS syntax
COPY (select 1) TO LOCAL FORMAT parquet OPTIONS (location = 'result.parquet');
-- copy all rows of the users table to /tmp/users.json
COPY public.users TO '/tmp/users.json' FORMAT json;
-- Same as above with OPTIONS syntax
COPY public.users TO LOCAL FORMAT json OPTIONS (location = '/tmp/users.json');
Copying files to GCS
Files in GCS can be copied to by providing the path to the file and credentials. The service account key provided should be JSON encoded.
-- copy the result of 'select 1' to results.csv in a bucket
bucket = 'bucket',
location = 'results.csv'
service_account_key = 'gcp_service_account_key',
-- same as above, but using a URL and OPTIONS
COPY ( SELECT 1 ) TO 'gs://bucket/results.csv' OPTIONS (
service_account_key = 'gcp_service_account_key'
Optionally, a credentials object can be created and used in place of providing the service account key directly.
-- Create the credentials.
service_account_key '<service_account_key>'
-- And use them in copy public.users.
COPY public.users TO 'gs://bucket/users.json' FORMAT json
CREDENTIALS my_gcp_creds;
Copying files to S3
Files in S3 can be copied to by providing the path to the file and credentials.
-- copy the result of 'select 1' to results.csv in a bucket
access_key_id = '<aws_access_key_id>',
bucket = '<bucket>',
location = 'results.csv',
region = '<aws_region>',
secret_access_key = '<aws_secret_access_key>'
-- same as above, but using a URL and OPTIONS
COPY ( SELECT 1 ) TO 's3://bucket/results.csv' OPTIONS (
access_key_id = '<aws_access_key_id>',
region = '<aws_region>',
secret_access_key = '<aws_secret_access_key>'
Optionally, a credentials object can be created and used in place of providing the service account key directly.
-- Create the credentials.
access_key_id = '<aws_access_key_id>',
secret_access_key = '<aws_secret_access_key>',
-- And use them in copy public.users.
COPY public.users TO 's3://bucket/users.json' FORMAT json
CREDENTIALS my_aws_creds ( region '<aws_region>' );
Copying files to the Delta table format
Queries can be copied to Delta tables by passing in an absolute path to a blank directory, which will become the Delta table. This directory must already exist and not have any delta tables currently in it. If you would like to append to an existing table, you can use INSERT INTO
# Make a blank directory to receive the Delta table
mkdir your_new_delta_table
-- Copy the results of your query to Delta table format
FORMAT delta
Always prepend the path with file://
when specifying the file path.
Check out the video below for a more hands-on example: