
GlareDB is a compute-centered database engine, that separates storage from compute. This separation enables a system that focuses on connections between data in different forms and at lower and higher levels of organization, and also provide a great deal of flexibility and support.

While GlareDB is compute-centered, it has storage systems, and supports a number of different storage formats and paradigms. This multi-paradigm approach means that you can select the storage format that makes the most sense for your data and your access patterns. What’s more, you can bring different storage formats to different parts of your data as appropriate.

Even though GlareDB is compute-focused, understanding storage formats and their impact on query performance and efficiency will help you in designing powerful data infrastructure.

Where transactional systems use indexes and data normalization to meet performance targets, analytics systems take advantage of data layout and data formats to meet performance goals. In virtually all systems, there are trade-offs between storage compactness and query time, and understanding these trade-offs will help you use GlareDB (and other systems!) effectively.

Formats: Columns and Records

Internally, GlareDB uses the [Arrow] format to represent data, which is an in-memory columnar format. Columnar formats are great because they make operations over a single column or group of columns, like summarizations and averages, more efficient and they make it easier to ignore columns that aren’t relevant.

Formats like [Parquet] and [Lance], as well as engines like [Delta] and [Iceberg] that use Parquet, are also columnar. These columnar storage formats are quite easy to translate into Arrow internally, and store metadata in ways that make it possible to only read the required segments of a file off of the disk.

Columnar formats have limitations: updates to a single record are often scattered throughout a file which makes them particularly expensive. Similarly, writing out columnar data may require additional resources, or be inefficient if writes happen in very small batches. For transactional workloads, columnar models make less sense.

This table outlines some popular data formats and and sources and identifies the modality. [n.b. Engines like MySQL and PostgreSQL have some multi-modality capability.]

Format/System Columnar Record-Based
Parquet x  
Lance x  
Delta x  
Iceberg x  
CSV   x
JSON   x
BSON   x
SQLite   x
MySQL   x
PostgreSQL   x
Cassandra x  
Clickhouse x  

To avoid needing to read every record to fulfill a query, record-based systems use indexes to support more efficient queries. Indexes are additional structures with compact representations that contain the values of some column (or groups of columns), with pointers to each row, that the query can use to limit the number of records it must inspect. Because indexes are stored in a particular order, queries can also use the order of keys in an index to support sorts. While indexes are possible for columnar formats in analytical workloads, as is the case with Lance, they are less useful in analytics workloads.

For analytics engines, the encoding and organization of data has a big impact on the data. While analytics engines lack indexes in most cases, the order of records in a columnar store can be used to avoid expensive in-memory sorts, and support otherwise expensive filtering operations. While you can run a query over data regardless of speed, if you need to improve performance, or want to build a pipeline around a query that’s slow, you can try to write out or re-materialize the output with a different field as the ordering constraint.

In all databases, query optimization is often about finding ways to limit the amount of data to consider. In record-based systems, normalization (splitting logical records across tables) and indexes (materializing compact views) reduce the amount of data to consider. For column-based systems, saving additional copies of data in different forms that have different orderings, or that contain a subset of fields, can have a huge impact on query performance.

Storage Engines and Encoding

GlareDB’s data sources can be classified in a few groups:

  • structured and semi-structured file formats. There are many different interchange formats, record encoding, and archival formats that allow us to write data to files, and share them between programs. JSON, Parquet, CSV, BSON, and Excel are just encoded raw data formats that GlareDB can interpret and present as a table. Each format has different properties and can provide different benefits to users. Some are easier to write and more widely supported as output formats, some are easier or more efficient to read programmatically, and some are more transparent to read for humans.

  • external database engines and services: GlareDB provides access to other database systems–like PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, SQLite, Snowflake and BigQuery–to enable joining data across data sources, or migrating data between formats and systems. Most of the time GlareDB is able to push operations into the underlying database engine, which means these queries can take advantage of indexes in the underlying data and reduce the amount of data it needs to consider.

  • storage engines (Lance, DeltaLake and Iceberg): provide transactional and consistently properties that file formats cannot without the overhead of a process. At the same time, unlike external services and engines, these formats don’t require a controlling process and can work with all of the data stored to an object store like S3 or GCS. They do this by defining a protocol for writing and reading files that ensure that data are consistent and that writes are safe.

There are exceptions and edge cases: SQLite is somewhere between a database and a file format, and the Parquet format has metadata that makes it possible to push down some operations like an external database, while the implementations of Delta Lake are built upon Parquet and JSON. However, this classification system may be useful in understanding the limitations and features of a specific data system.

Materialization: Roll-ups and Duplication

For data sets that change often, having multiple copies of the data can be very expensive: in addition to the extra space required, you have to update many copies of the data any time the data change, and the coordination can become quite complex. However, for historic data, or data that don’t change after they’re written, storing the data in more than one form can support different queries, or save the data in a grouped order or pre-compute and save various aggregates or sums as needed. These saved roll-ups are duplicated data, but because the input data don’t change, and the storage costs may be minimal, you can save a lot of compute time by saving (or materializing) these results. These kinds of transformations are always optimizations in service of your use case.

When designing your data storage and infrastructure the key considerations around storage formats, engines, or services, as well as transformations and materializations, are

  • how often will your application run queries that access this data?

  • how large is the input data set?

  • how large is the output of these queries, typically?

  • how often will the input data set change?

  • when modifying the input data, will you be appending data to the “end,” or will you be modifying existing records?

  • what kind of application or system consumes the output?

  • are there ordering requirements of the output? is the input ordering the same as the output ordering?

  • what kind of data types do the input data have? does the storage format have a type system with the proper degree of fidelity?

Use the answers to these questions when selecting storage formats and tools and designing your data infrastructure and application.

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